Terror in the Shadows Page 9
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Van Dyne’s Vampires
Not even Hell could create such things!
But the secretive and mysterious Van Dyne Corporation might.
Is Valdis Damien van Dyne preparing to launch a wave of terror that will overthrow the world’s governments? Not even the all-knowing Dr Rafe Bardon, director of the Office of Unidentified Phenomena, knows for sure.
Special Agent in Charge Pierce Mostyn is investigating sightings of bizarre and legendary creatures. Product of nature? Or products of Van Dyne’s lab? When Mostyn discovers the truth, will his team survive and save the world from nightmarish terror?
Van Dyne’s Vampires, Book 4 in the Pierce Mostyn Paranormal Investigations series. Join Mostyn and his team on their latest adventure today! Only at Amazon!
About the Author
CW Hawes is an award winning poet turned novelist. He’s a multi-genre author, because he’s a multi-genre reader. You can find him online at his website, on Twitter, and on Facebook. Should you wish to email him, you can do so at cwhawes@cwhawes.com.
Also by CW Hawes
Besides horror and the paranormal, CW Hawes writes mysteries and post-apocalyptic cozy catastrophes. You can check out all his books on his website’s My Books Page.
This one is for my daughter
No book is ever a solo project. There are all the folks who wrote the material an author draws upon for research. There are all the writers who are currently writing and who came before that the author has read. There are also all those who help on the technical end of things.
To name everyone who has helped me in the production of my books would be an impossible task. Consequently, for this book, I’m going to single out a few folks who helped make this book possible.
I want to thank Crispian Thurlborn for his kind words of encouragement. Encouragement is a powerful force.
Thanks also goes to Ben Willoughby for his great cover.
Many thanks go to my beta readers who provided valuable input to make the story better. They were my sister, Jodi; my daughter, Susannah; Ben Willoughby; and Andy Decker.
A special acknowledgement must also go to HP Lovecraft, who’s imagination and writing got the ball rolling in the first place.
Copyright © 2018 CW Hawes. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission of the author. All characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental.